Terms & Conditions

Pinnacle Catering Hire provide a quality hire service within a 30 mile radius of their base in Sacombe, however their service does extend to Bedfordshire, Bucks, Essex and Cambridgeshire and further if required. They offer an efficient AM or PM delivery service. Charges are available on application. Collections can be organised from their warehouse in Hertford.
Cancellation Charge
Pinnacle Catering Hire will charge for cancelled or greatly reduced orders. Confirmed orders cancelled within 7 days of the start of hire will be charged at 50% of the hire charge, orders cancelled within 2 day of the start date of hire will be charged at 100% of the hire charge.
Cleaning charges including linen
Pinnacle Catering Hire will charge for cancelled or greatly reduced orders. Confirmed orders cancelled within 7 days of the start of hire will be charged at 50% of the hire charge, orders cancelled within 2 day of the start date of hire will be charged at 100% of the hire charge.
Hire charges
Hire charges are on a 1-3 day hire, longer periods can be quoted for on request. Payment is due before delivery either by cheque with a valid cheque guarantee card, BACS or cash. Deposits are required to confirm booking and will be returned once all equipment has been returned and checked, if the deposit is not sufficient to cover the replacement cost the hirer is liable for the balance.
Return Dirty (Wash Up) Service
Help remove the headache of cleaning at the end of your function, let Pinnacle Catering Hire take it back dirty. Let them know at the time of booking and they will be happy to quote a price for you.
Pinnacle Catering Hire​ Home Farm Sacombe Park Sacombe Hertfordshire SG12 0JA
Tel: 079 7624 633 2
Designed by: Sharon Struckman